Eleven hours

Robert Prechter/Steven Hochberg write a market update Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

The US stock market is open 6.5 hours per day, so they ‘update’ three times in a 33 stock market hours week, every week.  Or approximately every 11 hours.

From March 2020 to November 2020 occurred one of the strongest bull market advances in the US stock market in decades.  It was a highly persistent, continual, historic advance.

(by the way, their advice, their updates, are not free).

How many times in those every 11 hour updates did Hochberg recommend being bullish?

Zero times.

How many times in those every 11 hour updates did Hochberg recommend NOT being bearish?

Zero times.

In practice, it’s never ‘bearish’, it’s always extreme bearishness, with a genuine moral message, that the longs will be punished.

I’m not a psychiatrist but they seem so wedded to their message they are just not capable.